Not like I didn't foresee that happening though right?
Here are some updates and cute things:
Juniper - She is 7.5 months old now. She crawls. She has 2 bottom teeth and some top ones on their slow and steady way. She says "Amba" clear as day. She waves bye bye with vigour. She is smitten with our dogs, and her brothers. But mainly Sebastian since Yossarian likes to make her angry.
Yossarian - Turned 3 and overnight transformed into a stereotypical 3 year old, complete with tantrum throwing, an iron will and mean little words and fingers. We will keep him though. He's still the coolest little hippy dude on the block.
Sebastian - Is about to graduate 1st grade. He has his first piano recital next week. He is playing 4 songs. I will be sure to record it. Today while doing his homework Yossarian bumped his arm and he said "Man, Yossarian, you made my "M" look like I farted on it". Cracked me up.
Also the other night at the grocery store I said we had to hurry because they were about to close. Sebastian quips - "oh well, we'll just camp in it and steal all the food to eat". I respond, "Sounds fun, and then you'll go to jail". Sebastian responds "You might go to jail but I won't. I'll go to Juvie". hahaha!!!
Chad went on a camping trip with brother and father to Lake Tahoe. They were gone 4 days. It was fun for them. Sucked boogers for me. haha
I will post again in a moment with some great pictures from the past month or two.
The Felting Pot is an espoused couplet comprised of Annapurna & CW Moongrove who together have found themselves fashioning a veritable fibre fusion. Annapurna, born & raised in Beechmont, has nurtured her creative calling almost from conception. Instructed by her mother at a young age, she has made felt throughout her life. At 17 she decided to leave a promising career in floral design behind & elope with her Texan CW into the wilds of the future. While there she developed interests in myriad arts, handicrafts & traditional skills including doll making, book binding, horticulture & fermentation. After several years of childbearing, rearing, & experimenting in various fields, Annapurna settled on felt as her medium of choice & hasn't looked back.
CW, a graduate of the University of Texas, holds a bona fide B.A. in Literature & Philosophy in one hand, and a barbed felting needle in the other. If he isn't vivisecting Nietzsche or constructing a fence from raw eucalyptus, he's breathing psykhe into fantastical felted creatures.
Since early '11, the Moongroves call the gorgeous SE Qld scenic locale of Mt Tamborine home with their 3 wild & woolly children.