Well, i'm sure plenty has happened.
And you won't be privvy to any of it.
Except the following:
Sebastian got an early birthday present that almost made him cry. His busted the week before bicycle rodeo which is the most anticipated school day of the year for him.
Then Juniper turned **TWO**!!!
Yesterday. And we had our family and Juniper's girlfriends over for cake. And also a couple kids were here that I was babysitting, so they joined in on the fun, too. Lucky them!
I made a sugar free (stevia) white bean cake with hibiscus flower frosting, and then decorated it with beet sugar crystals and carob chips to look like a ladybug which is what Juniper requested.
It suited everyone's crazy food needs. haha!
I also made her a ladybug costume but she took it off before the camera came out.
She'll be wearing that for Halloween so no worry.